Snow PVC Playmat

19.95 43.95 

Play-mat with hoth design.

SKU: CUS02770PMX Category: Tags: , , ,


This is a play mat with a snow design.

The playmat is made of PVC, a highly durable material and very resistant to scratches.  So it will last long nicely.

This is a fantastic addition to any game as a play mat could make the perfect addition to your favourite game.

Choose the size you want and if there is none choose the closest option of the size you want and add in notes the exact size of the playmat you want. due to the process of creating the mat, there could be a 5mm variance in size.

Some common wargame playmat sizes:

Malifaux is played on a 36×36” board
Infinity is typically played on a 120x120cm board
Punkapocalyptic is typically played on a 120x120cm board
Marvel: Crisis Protocol is played on a 36×36″ board
Kill Team is played on a 22×30″ board
Warcry, the Age of Sigmar skirmish game, is played on a 22×30″ board
Warhammer: AOS or 40k are usually played on a 44×60″ board

You can incorporate marked lines for various sizes on the playmat, allowing you to play different games with ease.

All our playmats feature our logo and website as a watermark on the border.

In our commitment to reducing carbon footprint, we strive to produce our gaming mats as close to the destination country as possible and eliminate intermediaries. That’s why the mats are shipped separately from the rest of the products. We aim to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability by opting for local production. Thank you for supporting our eco-friendly initiatives!

Print: Your design

Material: pvc

Quantity: 1